
Text Reads: "Five Signs That You're A Great Pooper (& What to do if you're not)" accompanied by an image of a toilet.

5 Signs That You're A Great Pooper (& What To Do If You're Not!)

May 03, 2023

If you poop, you need to read this.  

And if you have a hard time pooping, you REALLY need to read this and take action NOW to protect your sweet pelvic floor for your future.  


Hi! ๐Ÿ‘‹  It’s me, Dr. Kelly Sadauckas. ๐Ÿ™‚ I am one of a handful of Doctors of Physical Therapy IN THE WORLD who are double board certified in Pelvic Health and Orthopedics.  I'm a giant geek AND your go to pelvic health expert!!  Today, I want to give you the five top signs that you are GREAT at pooping, and some tips on what to do if your #2 misses the mark!

Let’s talk ๐Ÿ’ฉ!


Here’s Five Signs That You are a GREAT Pooper!

And tips for what to do if you’re not!


1. You ๐Ÿ’ฉ anywhere from 3x/day to 3x/week

For realsies, it depends.  What’s normal for me might not be normal for you.  

3x/day can be constipated if you are FORCING OUT PELLETS, 3x/wk could be diarrhea if it’s always loose.  

The “normal amount of poops per week” for a great pooper is when each ๐Ÿ’ฉ is the result of a gradual, comfortable urge, and that you’re able to poop out soft logs/sausages without straining, in less than a few minutes of being on the throne.  


2. You Get a “Comfortable” Urge to Poop–Not a Uncontrollable one. 

The next sign that you are an ๐Ÿคฉ amazing ๐Ÿคฉ Pooper is that your poop urge builds up gradually over time, and is NEVER an emergency. 


3. You Poop Out Soft Logs or Sausages

You are a TOP Pooper if when you do ๐Ÿ’ฉ, the poop looks like soft formed logs or sausages. 

He, he…I love this. Check out this post for what your poop should look like.  Warning: Not for the squeamish at heart!! My web people LOVED that I insisted on having actual pictures of poop in that post!!

Super-long snakes would be trending towards diarrhea (not real snakes, mind you…poop that looks like snakes.  If you are pooping out actual snakes, you need much more help than I can offer…and I have so many questions for you…)

Rabbit turds, or small pebbly-poops are trending towards constipation. 

But nice, sausage shaped poops---those are the poops of all of our dreams!!  And they indicate that you have adequate nutrition, hydration, activity level, and muscle levels, for the best poops!!  Good for you!


4. You ๐Ÿ’ฉ In Less Than 5 Minutes (Honestly, <3 minutes...)

#hardtruth.  Not to brag, but I poop easily and comfortably in less than one minute. 

I sit down, prop my feet up on my squatty potty (use coupon: HC-StreubelPT20 for 20% off), lean a bit forward, relax my bottom and WHOOSH, my colon (inner poop making factory), pushes out my poop for me.  

All in less than a minute.  I stand up, wipe easily (1-2 passes and I’m clean), and viola!, I’m ready for the next day.  

You join me as a VI๐Ÿ’ฉ if you can poop in less than 5 minutes.

(PS, there was actually a lot to unpack there.  I can talk about poop positions, nutrition for poops, belly massage for best poops for days!!)


5. Your Poops Come Out Without Any Straining

You would be amazed at how many people don't know you are not supposed to strain when you go poop.

Let me say it again for those in the back: 

Straining is for Pasta, Not ๐Ÿ’ฉ

I did a fun Instagram Post about this, you should check it out.

But seriously, though.  The 5th sign of a great pooper is that you get that sh!t out with ease. 

Just like your bladder pushes your pee out, and a uterus pushes a baby out, Your colon pushes your poop out, NOT your belly, and not your pelvic muscles.

It is your job, as the owner of that colon, to set up the environment, so that can happen.  

And, spoiler alert, if your pelvic floor muscles are too tight, they make your poop stay in the tubes too long, so it gets big and hard, AND then they don’t get out of the way well enough, so the colon really never gets the “green light” to poop.  Which makes you not a great pooper. ๐Ÿ™


So how’d you do?  Did you get all five?

What if my ๐Ÿ’ฉ Isn’t in Order?? 

No worries, here’s next steps if you missed the poop mark:

  1. Explore my blog and website for more fabulous poop tips, especially blog posts about are you drinking enough water, eating enough fiber, and how to massage your perfect little belly for better ๐Ÿ’ฉ!
  2. Sign up for Dr. Kelly’s Mailing List below to be kept up to date on all things poop or all things pelvis. A poop course is in the works.  VIP Mailing List Subscribers will get first notice and best prices.
  3. Check out Pelvic Floored’s Online Course Catalogue and see if there’s a streamable course to help you find your poop groove! Remember, courses are streamable on your computer, phone and tablet (via the free Kajabi, app, blue K, wherever apps are sold), so you can stream the coursers literally FROM ANYWHERE!!  AND...for every 4 courses I sell, 1 is donated to someone in need. 


Thanks for reading!


Dr. Kelly 


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