
Text Reads: "Five Ways Kegels Can Save the World" accompanied by Dr. Kelly smiling excitedly as she points to an anatomical model of a pelvis.

Five Ways Kegels Can Save the World

Sep 24, 2023


 Did you know that 80% of individuals will suffer some form of pelvic pain or pee or poop problem in their lifetime? 

That’s 8 out of 10 people. The same number of people will also suffer back pain.  But guess what?  When an individual has back pain, they’ll get medical help within 2 weeks. When you have pelvic pain, or pee or poop probs, the average human waits 5-7 YEARS to bring it up.

That’s crap, my friends.

Hi  :) My name is Dr. Kelly Sadauckas. I am a Doctor of Physical Therapy, one of a handful of Doctors of Physical Therapy IN THE WORLD that are double board certified in Pelvic Health and Orthopedics.  That means that I am a GIANT GEEK, and I want to use my geekiness to improve YOUR LIFE!!  Today, I’d like to shed some light on how kegels can, in fact, save the world. Let’s begin!

Pause for a moment…another moment...

...what if I asked you to PAUSE for 5-7 years before continuing to read this article?!?!?
5-7 YEARS of YOUR life, just *poof* GONE, or significantly changed...because of how you had to change your life to deal with the pee, poop or seggsy time problem!

5-7 years of spending money on doctor appointments, medications , medical devices and pads or other products to cover up the result of the leakage, without dealing with the cause.

5-7 years of internal suffering, depression, feeling broken and reduced confidence

5-7 years of lost connections. You haven’t been going out socially, or exercising, because you’re afraid of leaking and/or smelling like urine.

5-7 years of progressive weakening of your muscles, heart and mind, especially if you’ve been purposefully dehydrating yourself in attempt to stop the leaks (spoiler: that only makes it worse)

Knowing that…what if I were to say the following:
Kegels Can Save the World
Do you think I am being too bold?

Let’s see if you agree after reading the rest of this blog post.

Here’s 5 Ways That Kegels Can, in fact, Save the World 

IF, the average results of Pelvic Physio and Wellness interventions occur within 6 months of start of care

IF, we could get people to seek and receive pelvic wellness care within 4 weeks of the start of the pee, poop, or seggsy time problem…rather than them waiting 5-7 years…we could save:


1.   4.5-6.5 Quality of Life Years

If we got people to seek skilled PT care within 4 weeks of when they first notice it (just like back pain), we would save this human 4.5 to 6.5 years of suffering!!!

This person is now back to a fully functioning member of society for 4.5 to 6.5 more years SOONER!! That is 4.5 to 6.5 more years to be productive in their chosen life path; 4.5 to 6.5 more years to play with their children, friends and loved ones;  4.5-6.5 more years to invent, explore, discover cold fusion, etc.


2.   Mental Health Benefits

This person now has 4.5-6.5 LESS years of pain, pee, poop or seggsy time problems, so they have a significantly reduced chance of developing depression and other mental illness. 


3.   More Mental Health Benefits

This human now has 4.5-6.5 LESS years of social ostracization from ‘smell’ of urine, or self-isolation due to fear of leakage, further improving their mental health.


4.   Money!!!

Incontinence products cost an average person $1,300 PER YEAR (probably more since the COVID-19 pandemic, as prices have increased). 

If someone is 50 years old, and lives until they are 90, that is $52,000 they’ve spent on incontinence pads!  YIKES!  What else could they do with that $$?!?!??!?

And what if they had been leaking since they were 30, and lived to 90??  That’s  $78,000 spent on covering up the problem without addressing the solution!!! 


5.   Trash!!

Here’s where we get to how Kegels could save the world.

It’s not just the money, but the WASTE.

$52,000 worth of incontinence pads and diapers is a LOT of disposable waste. 

Reducing the pad usage by half would be helpful to mother earth...eliminating it?  I feel like hugging Earth right now.  And yes, there are amazing reusable incontinence products that we discuss in other blog posts...but for this one, just try to picture US$52K worth of incontinence products...for 8/10 humans you know.  That is a lot of trash. 


6.   And one Bonus Benefit: Heal the Mamas, Heal the World!

In a study of over 13,000 families, researchers found that happy, healthy moms raise kids with fewer mental problems in the next generation.

Heal the mamas, heal the world, friends. Just another benefit of fixing pelvises.

But Dr. Kelly, in the past, didn’t you say that kegels don’t work?

Read up in the blog about how “telling someone to just do kegels” indeed doesn’t work .  The pelvic floor is just too complex, and in fact, most people need to learn to relax their pelvic muscles before they can responsibly strengthen.

But seeing a trained pelvic floor physiotherapist, or purchasing a kick-ass online program designed by a legitimate trailblazer in online pelvic wellness (it's me, HI! & here's my course catalogue!) and being trained  in your own body and how it can work?  That can be magical. 

So that’s how Kegels can save the world

I hope you learned something new, and have a few new wonders to discuss with your besties, friends and families over the next few days. 

Thanks for reading!

Ready to learn more?!  Now that you know how kegels can save the world, let’s teach you more about your amazing bladder, in 6 Signs of a Happy Healthy Bladder

Ready to take action? Come see me in person or via Telehealth!  If that's not in the cards, though, find a Pelvic PT near you, or consider one of my online programs that are specifically designed to reach YOU, to get YOUR body function and confidence back.  From Leaks to Prolapse to Poops, Babies and More, I might just have an online course that will change your life.

Let’s go do some Kegels & Save the World.
xoxo, Dr. Kelly




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High five to you, and thanks for being a part of the Pelvic Floored Family.

Join my mailing list below to be kept up to date on all our fabulous progress with the Pelvic Floored Project, as well as new evidence updates on pelvic health in general. And be sure to follow me on Instagram for some excellent info on pelvic health, and a good bit of neon and free exercises!  



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