
Text Reads: "9 tips to live better, longer" from a double board certified physical therapist accompanied by an image of Dr. Kelly in her blue lab coat, smiling and giving a big thumbs up. She's also holding a pelvis, of course.

9 Tips to Live Better, Longer

Jan 01, 2023

From a Double Board Certified Physical Therapist


Hey there, amazing humans! Dr. Kelly, the Pelvic Health Guru, here!  I created my online courses to help you naturally heal your pelvic floor. Why? Because I wants you to live a fantastic, healthy life—enjoying time with your kiddos, furry friends, and soaking in the beauty of this planet for as long as possible!  And to do that, it’s kind of nice to have full use of our pee, ๐Ÿ’ฉand seggsy-time functions!  


What can I do to live better, longer?   

I am going to give you a 9-part checklist, but the one sentence summary of how to live better, longer is this:

Get regular health screenings, eat decently, and exercise regularly.  

I know these are not new, sexy topics, but they should be! We all want to live our lives to the fullest, right?

So, here are 9 simple things you should start doing right now to live better, longer—both for today and fifty years down the road. 

I had a fun chat with one of my favorite Physical Assistants a few years back, and we chatted about this exact topic!  Want to see it?  Check out this 8 minute video, or continue on for a 5-minute read, for tips that resonate with you!



1. Eat Well

Follow Michael Pollan's wise words—eat real food, not too much, and mostly plants. Your diet can impact major causes of death, so start building those healthy habits now!

Unpopular, but vitally true, tidbits:

  • Smoking causes cancer
  • So does alcohol.  
    • People get pissed about this one…because they like to enjoy their glasses of wine, but it’s true. Ingestion of even one glass of alcohol a day increases your risk of developing cancer.
    • No amount of alcohol has been proven to be safe in any reputable scientific study.  I personally believe that in another 50 years, we’ll treat alcohol like we do cigarettes.
  • And processed meats.
    • Yep, the ones in sealed bags.  Buy fresh meat, cook it yourself, then slice it for a better option.  
    • I can do a more in-depth blog post about why processed meats are bad news bears in the future, but for now, know that they are bad news bears.


2. Exercise Regularly

Get moving! Regular exercise not only prevents heart-related issues but also has a protective effect on your brain. Staying rad longer and keeping your mind sharp? Count us in!

Strength training improves bone health and mental health; Vigorous Training is as good as medications for depression!  If we could bottle this stuff, we’d be zillionaires.  But since we can’t, please, please, PLEASE exercise (or get sweaty while playing!!) at least 60 minutes 3x/wk. 


3. Protect Yourself From the Sun

Defend against skin cancer and wrinkles by more than just sunscreen. Long sleeves, hats, and sunglasses are your pals. Bonus points for using eco-friendly wearables!


4. Safe Sex Practices

Consent, know where things have been, use protection when needed, and get regular STD checks if you're sexually active.  Safety first!

Exposure to certain STDs is linked to later cancer risk, so best to not be exposed in the first place, if able.  But if you are exposed, consistent treatment is key. 


5. Regular Yearly Physicals

* Establish a birth control plan during your teens and get comfortable with your healthcare provider, so you’re not ‘too nervous’ to see them when something is amiss. It's all about taking care of your health from the start.

* Routine medical physicals annually, with blood work!!

* Routine colonoscopies after 40 years old & mammograms depending on your family history


6. Get to know how YOUR BODY looks

Take a moment to check yourself out in the mirror—breasts, vulva, scrotum (yup, guys, this is for you too!). Notice any changes and be aware of lumps, bumps, or new dimples.


7. Get to know how YOUR BODY feels

Wash yourself regularly with soapy water, using your hand. Feel for anything unusual and consult your healthcare provider if you find something concerning.  ESPECIALLY if that something is painfree–get it checked out, asap, friends.


8. Don't forget the vulva!

Pay attention to changes in shape, size, or color. Be aware of any discomfort, discharge amount changes, and make checking it a part of your routine.

Shameless plug, Vag Lab teaches you how to do a practical Vulvar and self pelvic floor muscle assessment.


9. Peri & Post-menopausal Changes

Understand that certain changes can occur, but leaking pee or poop and pain with sex are NOT normal consequences of aging. If you experience these, talk to your healthcare provider or a pelvic PT!

If you're having questions about pelvic function, consider one of my courses, work with me in person or online, and most importantly, TALK TO YOUR friends and family about what's normal in pelvic health, and overall health!  We deserve good medical information!!! 

xoxo, Dr. Kelly ๐Ÿ˜Š

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Schedule an in-person or telehealth visit HERE!




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