Dr. Kelly’s Favorite Things!

Mar 03, 2025

"What products do you recommend?"

I get asked this question EVERY DAY! In the clinic, on Social Media, even in real life at the grocery store when someone recognizes me.

So you're in luck. In this post, I'm going to give you a list of my favorite pelvic health products and courses!

As a reminder, I am an Amazon Affiliate, so if you purchase items through these links, I may receive a small commission. But I recommend them NOT because I receive a commission, but because I really do love these products. My clients ask me this every day, so I'm not bashful about telling you! makes me feel like Oprah!

Dr. Kelly is nuttier than a squirrel about pelvic health, and she wants to share that passion with YOU!


My Favorite Things of 2022 (so far)!

Besides my own courses, of are the products that I am recommending to my clients the most. These are the products that I also see the biggest return on investment, and/or lifelong usability.


So...without further no particular favorite things!!

  1. Silicone Massage Cups: These can be used to improve digestion for better poops, reduce pelvic pain and muscle hypertonicity. And, for those of you whose IT Bands remain tight "even though you roll them all the time", the cups can be used to loosen the IT Bands in a new way. Check out those hyperlinks for some of my Treasure Chest videos. I even did an Instagram post recently that's fun!
  2. Pelvic Wands: While there are other brands available, Intimate Rose is my personal favorite brand. Use coupon code Kelly21 for $5 off any product on their website and prepare to be amazed. Truly a "theracane for your vagina", these are needed to get to those "hard to reach spots." Here's a brief video about how these work.
  3. Pull Up Assist Bands: Because most of us need to learn how to do Pull Ups by actually doing the thing. These bands let us work on overall body mechanics and alignment through the full motion without the full load.
  4. TENS units: Yes, there are fancier units out there...but I've been recommending THIS unit since I graduated from PT school over 16 years ago. It's simple and reliable. Not that there's anything wrong with fancy touch screens....but I'm such a cantankerous old lady that I look at those newer ones (like this), and all I see is more stuff to break. FYI, for any of these, you'll need 2x4 pads for larger muscles and 2x2 pads for smaller muscles. TENS is amazing for lifelong pain control, and recent studies show it is AS effective as Naproxen as reducing/eliminating period pain.
  5. NMES units: Again, I like simpler units, like this one. You have total control of how you use the NMES, rather than the preset options in other units. While a TENS unit is a must have for a household, a NMES unit is a "nice to have" unless you have knee surgery...then you NEED one, as research shows that starting NMES soon after knee surgery improves your outcomes.
  6. NMES units....for 'down there': want me to stick it where?? Yep, down there! BUT WAIT!!! Even though this unit is 'technically' a muscle stimulator, I rarely EVER use this unit to 'stimulate' the muscles. More often, I use it to 'down train' the muscles and improve your brain-body connection, like this. If you've been doing all the right things, (breath work, ab and core work, PFM relaxation work) and your symptoms are not improving, you might need to 'short circuit' the brain's connection to your pelvic floor, and these units are your ticket to do so.
  7. Cooch Balls! While I do often recommend people start out doing pelvic floor awareness work on rolled towels (like this), The Cooch Ball was created by an amazing pelvic health professional, Jana Danielson, for the custom purpose of improving pelvic floor tissue health. It offers 'just the right amount' of pressure in 'just the right places' (once you inflate it correctly, and not too full!!). Watch this blog post for more info, and consider this if your rehab has stalled.


What about vaginal weights?

I generally don't love them, for many reasons. Mostly, they're super hard to use well. There are isolated times when they can be appropriate, but I'll cover those in a separate post. If you have burning questions before that post is live, or if you have a question about another product, DM my Insta account and my team will get back to you!


Those are some of my Favorite Things!

I hope you enjoy these items, as well as the MANY links to awesome information that is also included within this post.

If you enjoy my stuff, but are still limited 'pelvic-ly-speaking', check out my Online Courses and receive World Class Education and Exercise Training for a variety of Pelvic Health Conditions by Dr. Kelly, one of only 72 Doctors of Physical Therapy who are DOUBLE Board Certified Specialists in Orthopedics AND Pelvic Health, in the United States!!

World Class Courses for REAL people just like you! Streamable from the comfort and privacy of your own home, at a fraction of the cost of in-person Pelvic PT care!


Thanks for reading!

Dr. Kelly 


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