Unlocking Pain-Free Periods: Evidence-Based Dietary Tips

Apr 10, 2023
Pain-Free Periods ARE a Thing!

Yes, I know…some of you might doubt this.  And I 100% understand.  Have you seen my face when my acupuncturist pal, Erin Borbet, first told me about pain free periods in 2022??  Yep–here is actually footage of my face…

And while those of us with Endometriosis or Fibroids might have challenges and inflammation that cause painful monthly cycles, the fact is that for the rest of us, 3-4 days of moderate flow should be your ONLY symptom of a period.  Yep, you heard me right, ladies.  There ought to be NO sore boobs, NO abdominal cramping or moodiness, NO back pain, with our monthly cycle. 

👋🏼 Hi There!  It's me, Dr. Kelly Sadauckas, Double Board Certified Pelvic PT and your go-to resource for fun, kick-butt pelvic health information and online courses.  Are you intrigued to learn more about how diet and lifestyle can lead to painfree (or less painful) periods for many women?  To learn more about Western AND Eastern Medicine Philosophies surrounding pain-free periods, read on, friend! 

Top 4 Dietary Tips for Pain-Free Periods:

Let's break down the findings from a 2016 Western medicine article titled "Comparison of Lifestyles of Young Women with and without Primary Dysmenorrhea" (PMCID: PMC4844476). Here's the top 4 tips you need to know from that study: 

  • Eat Magnesium-Rich Foods:

Including foods high in magnesium can reduce your period pain.  This is because, to oversimplify, Magnesium is involved in muscles spasms...and when levels are low (or low-ish), we tend to have more muscle cramps AND higher levels of a pain-causing chemical called prostaglandins.  The higher your Magnesium levels, the lower your prostaglandin levels, thus the less you have muscle spams and resultantly, the less severe your menstrual cramps could be. 

Adults with vaginas should aim for about 310mg of Magnesium each day, and those with penises should shoot for 400mg of Magnesium per day. 

Salmon, Tofu and Chia Seeds all pack >90mg of Magnesium in a single serving, and black beans, bananas and spinach are also good sources.  Even just a banana at night a few nights a week for a month might lead to less pain when Aunt Flow comes to visit next time--that's a pretty small investment to make, to have less pain, right? I'll try it.  

What's next??

  • Eat a High-Fiber Diet: 

Boosting your fiber intake can increase sex hormone-binding globulins, leading to decreased prostaglandin synthesis and, subsequently, less pain.


For now, ignore the hormone-binding globulins (sounds kinky!)...and read the fact that higher fiber again reduces prostaglandins (those chemicals that are related to muscle spasm and pain, the more of them we have).  So more fiber means less prostaglandins means less muscle spasm means less pain with periods.

Foods with good fiber levels include avocados, artichokes, prunes, whole grains, berries, and chia seeds. You should shoot for 10 grams of fiber at every meal...that way even if you miss one meal, you'll still hit the target of 25  grams a day. 

  • Limit Animal Fats:

Cutting back on animal fats has been associated with reduced prostaglandin synthesis, translating to less pain during menstruation.

There's that P-word again! Apparently, it's ALL about the prostaglandins!!  Less animal fat means lower prostaglandin levels, meaning less muscle spasm meaning less period pain!!  And finally...the last dietary recommendation:

  • Reduce Salt Intake:

Salt has been linked to increased vasopressin and oxytocin, intensifying dysmenorrhea. It might be time to cut down on the salt.

It's not all about the prostaglandins, after all!!  Here we have two new fancy-sounding words, "vasopressin" and "oxytocin".  These two chemicals are similar peptide that each contribute to uterine contractions.  The higher levels a person has of those two chemicals, the more intense their uterine contractions, and the more period pain they may experience. So darn it, we might have to cut down on the salt if we want less painful periods.


Why Do These Tips Matter?

Did you know that 80% of individuals with vaginas experience painful periods, often confusing "common" with normal? Join me in challenging this perception and educating others about the possibility of pain-free (or at least less painful) periods. If 80% of us are suffering needlessly, and if making 1-2 simple dietary changes can improve our quality of life, why would we not want that for ourselves, our friends and our families?


Ready for a Pelvic Floored Pain Free Period Challenge?

I officially challenge YOU, dear blog reader, to personally educate at least three people in the next three days about the concept of pain-free periods

I then double-dog dare-challenge you to personally choose one of the dietary tips mentioned above and commit to making a change over the next month. Real change takes time and deliberate choices. Be proud of your efforts, and share your experiences – your journey might inspire others to improve their lives too.

And if you try these things, and your periods are still painful, then please see a trusted primary care medical provider for further testing, as if there is an underlying condition like endometriosis or fibroids, you want to identify that sooner, rather than later.  


Closing Thoughts on Pain Free Periods:

Let's revolutionize the way we approach menstruation. People with vaginas, we can have better periods, and we're in this together. Stay tuned for more practical tips on improving pelvic and overall health. Join my mailing list for exclusive discounts and subscriber-only events – because better health is just a click away!

Thanks for being part of Pelvic Floored’s exciting journey to transform pelvic health and wellness, one pelvis at a time, starting with YOU! If you're ready to learn more, check out Pelvic Floored's AMAZING catalogue of online courses, streamable from ANY device via the Kajabi App (blue K, wherever you get your apps from!)!  All the courses are amazing, but if you need a place to start, I suggest Vag Lab, a 2-hour online journey into the best ways to keep your vag, and pelvic floor muscles, happy and healthy throughout your life, including pain free periods!!


XOXO, Dr. Kelly

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