

How to use a Menstrual Cup

Sep 13, 2024

Menstrual Cups are an incredible option for the Earth-loving, money-aware, Period-having person...but there is indeed some mystery involved in how to remove a menstrual cup. Let Board Certified Specialist, Doctor of Physical Therapy, Dr. Kelly show you the way. 

You can watch this video for a 2-minute summary, or here's a 2-minute read.


5 Easy Steps to Use a Menstrual Cup


1. Wash Before Use

Wash (your hands and the cup) with (non-scented) soap and water.  


2. Fold the Cup, twice, to make it smaller to “fit into the door”

To fit inside the “door” of the pelvic muscles, fold the cup in half, twice, so it looks like a cute crescent moon.  

This, folded-crescent-move-part is the part you'll insert into your vagina, while the dingly bit that hangs off the bottom is what you'll use to remove it..


3. Spread the labia to the sides, and insert the crescent moon in the vagina, past the pelvic floor muscles.

The pelvic floor muscles feel like a little donut near the inner part of your labia. They are NOT your cervix, which is a harder, smaller donut WAY up your vag. (PSA, If you can see (or think you can see) your cervix at the level of your labia, please talk to your Pelvic PT or primary physician).

You'll know you are past your pelvic muscles, because there's a little cliff, and when you're past it, you don't feel pressure from the cup anymore. The dingly bit will hang below the pelvic muscles, but you shouldn't feel it, or be hurt by it, at all.  


4. Enjoy life for 3-4 hours (up to 12 hours on slower flow days!)

Pro Tip: The first time you use it, maybe wear a panty liner, 'just in case' you didn't insert it perfectly ;)

But after that, once you're a pro, enjoy life for at least 3-4 hours before changing it!


5. When ready, here is how to remove a menstrual cup:

Sit and RELAX your pelvic floor. Exhaling or making a low Grrrr or Hrrr sound helps.

Spread labia apart with one hand, and reach for the removal part of the cup with the other (check out above video, for real-zies). It might require you to 'go fishing' about an inch up the vagina.


When you find the 'removal tab part', breathe, relax your pelvic muscles and gently pull it down a bit, so you can reach the bottom of the cup.

Once you can access the bottom of the cup, pinch it a touch to "break the seal" of suction of the cup away from the vaginal wall, then you can gently rotate the cup, or twist side to side, and remove.

If you're having trouble, a key tip is to blow out like you are blowing bubbles in chocolate milk through a straw. This will naturally relax your muscles to allow 'stuff' to come out easier, and will make it easier to remove the cup.  This also helps with tricky poops. You're welcome. 

When the cup passes the level of your pelvic floor muscles, this time on the way out, you might hear a little "swoosh" as it exits the vagina. Careful here that you don't splatter blood everywhere!!! CRIME SCENE!!!

At this point, carefully empty the cup into the toilet, rinse the cup (if able), and then re-insert.


Cleaning and General Care of Menstrual Cups.

Like your vagina, they don't want anything to do with scented or antibacterial soaps. Unlike your vagina, (the inner part, which is a self-cleaning oven and doesn't require regular cleansing), but like your vulva (the outer parts) the cups do need regular washing with basic soap and water.

A daily clean of the menstrual cup is nice. Some people are able to wash it with soap and water every change, which is awesome, but many people can't wash it every use.  Be sure that you at least wash it with unscented soap and water once a day.

Please remember that these blogs are for general information only, and are not specific medical advice.  If you are unsure if menstrual cups are for you, due to personal medical issues, discuss this with a trusted medical professional.


Do I have any recommendations for types to buy?

Because you asked, here are the two I generally recommend, with clients giving me positive feedback on them. As an Amazon Affiliate, I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links. I recommend them because people ask, however, not to make $$. Purchase what and where you feel fulfilled.

The OrganiCup. Comes in Small or Large sizes. This is the one I use. I've used it for nearly 2 years now and LOVE it. The ridged 'puller-outer-thing' can be a bit hard if you lack dexterity or hand strength, though.

The Flex Cup. I won't lie. I love my OrganiCup, however the one thing I wish it had was a round 'puller-outer-part', like this one has.


Thanks for Reading!

xoxo, Dr. Kelly ๐Ÿ˜Š

I'm so glad that you are here, and I hope that you learned something.  Please share what you've learned with your family and friends.  And if you are interested in more knowledge about your "down there" please consider Vag Lab, a 1-hour lesson in lifelong care for your down there, or a monthly subscription to Dr. Kelly's Treasure Chest, where you can learn all about how to find and relax your pelvic floor muscles, as well as how to strengthen your body while keeping your pelvic floor healthy.  



Thanks for reading!


Dr. Kelly 


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