
An image of Dr. Kelly to introduce new community members to her. The large image shows her standing on top of a mountain with an orange mountain bike overhead, demonstrating strength and physical confidence after babies. She wants you to have this, too. Leaking, Prolapse and Pee Anxiety or pee urges are NOT normal consequences of aging or having a baby. Dr. Kelly can teach you simple, specific exercises to help.

Welcome to Pelvic Floored!!

Jan 01, 2022

My name is Dr. Kelly Sadauckas (sad-OW-skiss, thanks for asking).
Your pelvis and I are both THRILLED to have you here in the Pelvic Floored Universe!

As we’re about to dive deeper into our pelvises together, let’s get to know each other! 
Here’s a bit about me, and why I’m qualified to teach you about your nooks and crannies :) 


Top Two Reasons Why I am THE Person to Teach YOU about your pelvis & pelvic floor!

1. Creds!

I am Doctor of Physical Therapy who has specialized in pelvic health evaluation, assessment and interventions since 2006.  In 2022, I became one of a handful of Doctors of  Physical Therapy IN THE WORLD who are double Board Certified in Orthopedics and Pelvic Health. (That means I am a HUGE geek, and you will reap the benefits of my geekiness). 

It is my dream to revolutionize pelvic health by providing kick ass pelvic information and wellness programs.  I want to bring cutting edge research surrounding pelvic health to YOU, in terms and ways that you understand...and that are entertaining, so it's actually fun to learn!  I am thrilled to have you here.  It just might change your life.


2. As an active mother, I am one of you!!

As an active mother of two boys, I know first-hand, how pregnancy, delivery and the postpartum period can change your body, your relationships & your life.

My first, beautiful child, was born with his arm over his head, leading to 6 months of pelvic pain with intimacy (& even sitting on hard surfaces) postpartum.

My second child was 10 pounds, and when he entered the world, he gave me a fractured pelvis, as well as about 6 months of stress incontinence.

Here’s the thing.  I knew these “common but not normal” postpartum problems could get better.

It still bothered me that my crotch hurt after my first baby.  

It still bothered me that I peed my pants whenever I stood, or sneezed, after my second baby.  

But I was never scared, because I knew what to do.

I was never hopeless, because I knew simple, but important, exercises and activities to reconnect my brain to my core, and was therefore able to help my body recover.



I want that success for you!

You deserve a life without leaks, pain or shame.  

You deserve total confidence in yourself, and in your ability to get and stay strong.

You deserve it, and the Pelvic Floored Revolution can help bring you there. 

Ready to Take Action?!


Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy is amazing, and literally EVERY HUMAN can benefit from learning more about their pelvis, and pelvic floor muscles.

Next steps are to find a Pelvic PT or Physio, near you, work with me, or buy an online course!

My streamable online programs are designed to provide comprehensive pelvic wellness and exercise instruction to people of all ages, races, and socioeconomic levels, all over the world.  The same general activity and exercise progressions have allowed me to personally return to normal intimacy and physical activity postpartum, have now helped thousands of others do the same. For a fraction of the cost of one:one physiotherapy, there is literally no excuse to delay beginning to work on the pelvis of your dreams. Use the following links to get started! 


I'm proud of you!
Dr. Kelly 


Find a Pelvic PT Near You
Schedule an appointment with me in-person or online!
Follow me on Instagram


For every four online courses sold, one is donated to someone in need through our People Before Profits program. LEARN MORE 





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